Thursday, August 11, 2011


I had my first personal experience with a rodent-like creature this morning. Others around had seen them, it’s not that uncommon, I just hadn’t personally met one. This morning I did. I opened the cabinet to get my coffee and a little brown blur of fur hippity-hops to the back of the cabinet hiding behind….the coffee filters. Yes, I need those too. It is kind of a good thing he chose to hide behind something I need, otherwise I would have completely avoided the situation, closed the doors, and just left him there to have fun. But, I needed coffee. I was able to, with a long spoon, shuffle some stuff near him enough to scare him out of the cabinet. Only problem was, I was blocking his exit. He nearly jumped on me but missed and ran behind the fridge. I know, that’s kind of an anticlimactic ending.
This afternoon I went for a run and while I was running by the apartments one of the other teachers was staring at something on the ground, then, he scared it and I saw what it was…a rat. Not a little mouse, a rat. Ick. On the list of “things I really hate and never ever want on me” rat is pretty much third behind snakes and spiders. I will swim in a pool of rats before I deal with a spider. Anyway, I hope that little essay was able to completely gross some of you out J
Today was another day of training. I think I have my classroom the way I want it. I discovered that we have colored butcher paper so my room no longer looks like a prison cafeteria with desks! I tried to take pictures this afternoon with my iTouch but the light made them really blurry. I’ll try tomorrow with the big-kid camera.
For those keeping count at home, the mosquito bite count is up to 23. Feel free to pray for protection from malaria, I would appreciate that.
Despite the bugs, rodents, dust, and heat, I really do love it here. Something about it just fills up a place in my heart and gives me that content, after-a-big-dinner feeling.  *sigh*

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