Monday, June 4, 2012

I hate cats...except for this one

I don’t like cats. I’ve always loved dogs, but I’ve never liked cats, not even a little. They are snooty, stuck-up, and “too cool for school.” They are the rich-kids of the animal world. As with all mammals, they are cute when they are young. Kittens are awesome. They are scraggly, clumsy, and just insanely adorable….then they become cats and lose all appeal. When we got Jasper I was in love with his soft fur and incessant cuddling. He was cute, but he was also a kitten. I knew the dreaded day would come when he would become a real cat and all the cuteness would go away. All kittens grow up and become snotty, boring cats.
Except Jasper.

This is the coolest cat ever. Perhaps the only cool cat. He is no longer a kitten (although not quite an “adult”) and still awesome. He is sometimes more dog than cat which adds to his appeal even more. He plays and romps around the apartment. He kills spiders and rips cockroaches to shreds. Although there is no way to prove this, I believe every mouse and rat in the area has smelled him and has run away in terror.

I envy his daily schedule. Wake up. Attempt to trip Katie and I as we walk around in the morning. Nap. Play. Nap. Snuggle. Nap some more. Eat. Nap. Bask in the warm sunshine. Nap. Eat. Snuggle. Nap.

At times he can be exceptionally annoying. In the past week he has shredded two full rolls of toilet paper (sadly I lost the picture of him proudly laying upon the large pile of destroyed paper.) He chews on our hair. He sometimes nibbles a little too hard. He tries to climb up our legs like they are trees. 

He has deleted emails, changed songs, and adjusted the brightness of my screen doing this. Stupid cat. 
He's never fallen in. It's really only a matter of time though.
But, then he gets all cute again and it’s hard to stay mad at him.
This summer he will be hanging out in Haiti while I am back in the states.  I will miss this little fur ball. I hope he is still cool when we get back. Even more, hope he doesn’t get out and get eaten. More than likely he will spend his summer in one big extended cat nap. 

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